Maximise your returns with a ‘Buyback Guarantee’

buyback guarantee

Physical Gold’s Buyback Guarantee

Because we only sell the most liquid types of gold and silver coins and bars, we’re able to offer all our clients a Buyback Guarantee. We promise to repurchase any metals sold by us, regardless of how much time has lapsed since purchase. This provides you with the knowledge and comfort that if you need to quickly sell any, or all, of your holdings, then we’ll facilitate that for you.

In fact, we go a step further, as we believe our role in buying back is as important as our guidance when selling. We give you a ‘sell it now’ market rate for all your gold or silver if you need to sell immediately. Alternatively, if you’re able to wait, we make a note of your intention to sell and try, as brokers, to match with buyers over the coming weeks. If there’s a solution that works, then you’ll obtain an enhanced price, as we’re essentially cutting out the wholesale element.

Get the best prices when selling your gold coins. Download the 10 step cheat sheet

Buy the right asset in the first place

Investing in physical assets, rather than paper shares, gives you the peace of mind that

PHYS01_Animated_Gif_2_MPUyou own something real, with a tangible value.  But often, selling that physical asset can be more challenging than offloading its paper or electronic counterpart. Fine wine, art and property are such examples. They may be appealing investments, but you only realise your profit if and when you’re able to sell that asset.

For this reason, it’s important to have an ‘exit strategy’ in place even before you buy the asset. How many times have you heard of someone holding out for a price on their property, only to be told “it’s only worth what someone will pay.”

The best starting point is to ensure the asset you buy is as liquid as possible. For example, if you buy an investment property, ensure you don’t narrow your possible future buyers, by purchasing an obscure property like a converted lighthouse. The reason 2 bed flats are such popular investments, is because they’re easy to sell, thus achieving the best possible price.

Gold investment and property are comparable in this way. It’s crucial to buy gold or silver which is world renowned and desirable. At Physical Gold, we only sell very liquid gold and silver, providing the backbone of our buyback guarantee. We don’t offer obscure collector’s pieces, as we believe liquidity plays a key role in maximising returns.

What selling options do I have?

If you purchased well-known, liquid coins, then you have various selling options. Certainly if they’re pre-owned coins they’ll possess an additional value over and above their gold content – reflecting their additional history, relative rarity and desirability. If you’re able to sell these coins off piece meal, to private individuals, you’ll obtain the best possible price, as you may be able to find investors and collectors willing to pay higher premiums for certain coins.  Ebay can be a good platform for finding private buyers, but don’t forget to factor in Paypal charges and to include a reserve price!

At the opposite end of the spectrum, there’s the convenience of a local jeweller. The compromise is that the jeweller is likely to melt the metal down for jewellery and pay you below market rate.

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